The Phoenix News

10 06, 2024

ALIAC Ensures Safety with Specialized Aircraft Training for Employees

ALIAC Ensures Safety with Specialized Aircraft Training for Employees2024-08-02T16:03:48+08:00
6 06, 2024

INTRAMURALS 2024: We are ALIAC – Soaring Together as One

INTRAMURALS 2024: We are ALIAC – Soaring Together as One2024-08-02T16:04:18+08:00
6 06, 2024

ALIAC Organizes Comprehensive Flight Attendant Training for BS Tourism Management Students

ALIAC Organizes Comprehensive Flight Attendant Training for BS Tourism Management Students2024-08-02T16:04:54+08:00
6 06, 2024

ALIAC Empowers Employees Through ALS Program to Complete Elementary and Junior High School

ALIAC Empowers Employees Through ALS Program to Complete Elementary and Junior High School2024-08-02T16:05:40+08:00
6 06, 2024

1st ALIAC Research Colloquium 2024 Showcases Innovative Student Research

1st ALIAC Research Colloquium 2024 Showcases Innovative Student Research2024-08-02T16:06:43+08:00
6 06, 2024

ALIAC Launches Groundbreaking Aviation Programs for AY 2024-2025

ALIAC Launches Groundbreaking Aviation Programs for AY 2024-20252024-08-02T16:07:14+08:00
13 04, 2024

ALIAC Introduces Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration Program for AY 2024-2025

ALIAC Introduces Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration Program for AY 2024-20252024-08-02T16:08:04+08:00