ALIAC’s Orientation Program Highlights Leadership and Core Values for New School Year
ALIAC successfully conducted its Basic Education orientation and reorientation program at the ALIAC hangar, drawing participation from students and parents alike last August 12, 2024. The event provided a thorough introduction to the upcoming academic year, focusing on the faculty lineup, school policies and regulations, and the various student services offered.
A significant aspect of the program was the detailed explanation of the “Leader in Me” program, which ALIAC has integrated into its Basic Education curriculum. This initiative aims to equip students with essential leadership skills and personal development traits, reinforcing ALIAC’s commitment to fostering future leaders who are both academically proficient and personally adept.
During the orientation, attendees were introduced to the faculty members who would be guiding the students throughout the year. The session also included an overview of important school policies and regulations, ensuring that everyone was well-informed for the year ahead. Additionally, the program highlighted the range of student services available, designed to support both academic and personal growth.
Another key highlight was the explanation of ALIAC’s thrust for Basic Education: “Developing CHAMPIONS one student at a time” that reflects the institution’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded students. The acronym CHAMPIONS stands for Creative, Humane, Active, Morally upright, Physically fit, Intellectually alert, Output oriented, Nationalistic, and Safe—attributes that ALIAC emphasizes as integral to its educational approach.
The orientation effectively set the stage for the new academic year, underscoring ALIAC’s dedication to academic excellence and holistic student development. By reinforcing the principles of the “Leader in Me” program and elucidating the values encapsulated in the CHAMPIONS thrust, ALIAC reaffirmed its commitment to shaping capable, responsible individuals ready to face future challenges.